Homework Submission Policy

Assignments will be announced in class or via email and be posted on Canvas. The due date of each assignment (typically one week or more from the day it is posted) will be noted on the assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to review the class’s Canvas site for homeworks and their due dates.

Late assignment policy: All HWs are due at the beginning of class (unless noted otherwise on the assignment) on the due date, and submitted via Canvas. No credit for late submissions, with the exception of extremely exceptional circumstances (e.g. your medical emergency or death in near family, evidenced by letter from doctor or obituary notice) but only if you contact the instructor before the penalty is incurred.

Collaboration on homeworks: (for group homeworks, "you" means an individual group).  Try to solve the problems by yourself or those in your official homework group. If you find a particular problem very difficult, you may discuss it with other students; if you choose to do so, please indicate this on the submission. (Even in this case, you should write your solutions independently.)  If you obtain your solution with help from another source (e.g., a book or website), you are required to cite the source(s) in the write-up. This may result in partial credit for an otherwise correct answer.