She was a Faculty Member with the University of Texas at Austin from 1990 to 2005. She is currently with Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, where she is the Director of the Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing and the Assistant Dean for Interdisciplinary Research in Agriculture and Engineering. She holds the Purdue Chair of Excellence in Earth Observation. In 2004–2005, she was a Jefferson Senior Science Fellow with the U.S. Department of State. She has served as a member of the NASA Earth System Science and Applications Advisory Committee (ESSAAC) and the NASA EO-1 Science Validation team for the Advanced Land Imager and Hyperion, which received a NASA Outstanding Service Award. She also serves on the Advisory Committee to the NASA Socioeconomic Applications and Data Center, Columbia University.
Dr. Crawford is a member of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, where she served as Education Director (1998–2000), Vice President for Professional Activities (1999–2001), and Vice President for Meetings and Symposia (2003–current). She is an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING and has been a Guest Editor for special issues on Hyperspectral Data, the Earth Observing One Mission, Advances in Methods for Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data, Landsat Missions, and Disaster Response.
He is currently the Schlumberger Centennial Chair Professor of electrical and computer engineering with the University of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin). He joined the UT-Austin faculty in 1988. He is the Founder-Director of the Intelligent Data Exploration and Analysis Laboratory. He has authored or coauthored more than 200 refereed papers, including more than 50 full-length journal articles. His research interests are primarily in intelligent data analysis, data mining and web mining, adaptive multilearner systems, and their applications to a wide variety of complex engineering and AI problems.
Dr. Ghosh is the Program Co-Chair for the 2006 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining and the Founding Chair of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society’s Technical Committee on Data Mining. He has received ten best paper awards, including the 2005 UT-Coop Society’s Best Research Paper across all departments, the Best Theory Paper at SDM 04, the Best Applications Paper at ANNIE’97, and the 1992 Darlington Award for best paper among all IEEE CAS publications.
She works with the Intelligent Data Exploration and Analysis Laboratory as a Graduate Research Assistant.